Relief for Allergies without Drugs or Shots

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ASA_balancePlatte Valley Chiropractic & Acupuncture is specially trained in the use of the ASA Balance T Laser Allergy Relief System, a holistic alternative for eliminating stresses in the body including allergies. This advanced technology provides an effective, fast, and painless procedure (without needles or drugs) for treating seasonal, food, and environmental allergies.

What is an allergy?

Allergies are nothing more than inappropriate response to something harmless. Your body sees an ordinary substance as foreign and attacks it, sending you into an allergic reaction of red itchy eyes, a scratchy throat and trouble breathing. What’s worse is now a new association is turned into an ingrained pathway in your nervous system which will associate that substance as a foreign object from there on out. It is a substance/association error that is made and learned by your nervous system.

How Does ASA Balance Allergy Relief Work?

Through a state-of-the-art computer system which assesses skin conductivity through a biofeedback device, we determine your exact allergies. Once the allergies are identified, the system creates a specific frequency to the allergic imbalances. These frequencies are then broadcasted through laser technology to stimulate specific nerve bundles, in order to re-educate the immune system.

How Many Treatments Will I need?

The number of treatments you will need depends on your age and the degree of the allergy, but can range from one to three treatments for minor or primary allergies, and more chronic allergies are generally resolved within 12 visits. Allergy shots, on the other hand, require 12 to 24 shots per year for a period of two to five or more years.

The Medical Explanation For Allergies

Allergies are nothing more than an inappropriate response to something that is perfectly harmless. Your body sees an ordinary substance as foreign and attacks it sending you into an allergic reaction of red, itchy eyes, a scratchy throat and trouble breathing. It is essentially an error in the body’s immune system where it does anything it can to combat this “bad, foreign” substance. But this substance is perfectly harmless. What’s worse is now a new association is turned into an engrained pathway in your nervous system which will associate that substance as a foreign object from there on out. It is a substance/association error that is made and learned by your nervous system. An example of this is when you eat a normally harmless food and it makes you sick afterwards. (eggs for example) You get sick and you know what happens (no details necessary here). Your body will associate the sickness with the food that you ate so that most likely even months to years down the road even the sight or smell of eggs will make you nauseous and even a little sick. But eggs are not the problem. It’s the incorrect association that your nervous system has made that’s the problem.

How Do You Know What You’re Allergic To?

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Each specific allergen has it’s own specific frequency. Cat dander for example has a certain frequency. Dust has a specific frequency that is different than cat dander. These frequencies plus 100’s of thousands of other frequencies of possible allergens are introduced safely into the body over several sessions. The body is then monitored to see which frequencies cause it to go into allergic reaction. Then a complete list of all the frequencies (allergens) that caused the body to go into allergic reaction is made giving you a complete list of everything you are allergic to in that particular session. The average person will have at least 5-20 different allergens.

How Do You Get Relieved of These Allergies?

In order to relieve and rid you of your allergies, each of these frequencies (allergens) will be introduced back into the body one at a time, each on different days. For example, if milk allergies are to be relieved first, then on session # 1 the computer will introduce the frequency for milk into the body. Then, and this is the best part, as that frequency (allergen) is introduced into the body the laser stimulates certain acupuncture points which releases endorphins and other chemicals which make you feel good. So instead of that frequency (milk) causing you to go into allergic reaction, the laser retrains the nervous system to respond normally when you drink milk instead of an upset stomach, runny nose etc.. This new nervous system pathway replaces the old pathway, thus ridding you of that specific allergen. Once all the pathways are retrained for each allergen you can say good bye to allergy pills, shots, and allergy related red, swollen eyes, scratchy throats and runny noses.

How ASA Balance Relieves Allergy Symptoms

Once the allergen is identified, ASA Balance re-exposes the patient to the harmonic frequency of the allergen while simultaneously going through a process known as Immune Conditioning.

Immune Conditioning is performed with a Class III Laser to stimulate specific nerve bundles in order to “re-educate” the body’s immune response to not act inappropriately when exposed to the actual allergen.