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Webster Technique

Webster Technique

As a baby grows in the womb it can be in any number of different positions. No matter what the starting position is, as the baby nears the final weeks of development he/she will turn in the womb so that the head is pointing towards the birth canal and facing towards the tailbone. This is called the cephalic position and is the ideal position for delivery. Typically this turn towards the cephalic position happens between 30 and 36 weeks. If the baby does not due this they may be in a breech or transverse lie position. These positions are not conducive for a safe delivery and may result in a C-section.

If given more time the baby could still turn by their self to the correct position. If that does not happen however, the external cephalic version (ECV) may be recommended by the OBGYN. This is the process of inducing a baby to move by pressing on the outside of the abdomen. It has a success rate of 58% with a 6% risk of serious complications requiring emergency C-section which is why this procedure is only performed in a facility where an emergency C-section is possible immediately available.

There are natural alternative options. The first is called the Webster’s Technique which utilizes a combination of adjustments and ligament stretching to encourage the baby to move. To start, a specific drop table adjustment is utilized to normalize sacral movement. Second, one or both of round ligaments are stretched to correct uterus torsion. Finally, a standing mobilization of the pelvis is done. This combination is very safe with a 70-80% success rate (depending on the source) and no adverse effects. Acupuncture can also be used by itself or in combination with the Webster Technique to try and correct baby position. This is also a very safe technique that uses acupuncture points on the abdomen and legs. Please consider trying these safe alternatives before going in for the ECV.